Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Divinity of Christ Part 1

Posted by Simply Christian

If you're like me, you've probably had a whole lot of people come knocking on your door with tract or pamphlet in hand trying to get you to convert to their religion. Many of these people claim to love Jesus, they claim to be saved by Jesus and claim that He is the Savior of the world sent by the Father to redeem mankind. Sounds great, doesn't it? Sounds a lot like what you believe, right? The words are all there, so they must be Christians...I mean, they love Jesus for crying out loud. But, hang on just a second. Not everyone who says they love Jesus believes in the same Jesus the Bible teaches us about.

For example, there are groups that say (and I can almost guarantee they've knocked on your door...and are running president of the United States...)
...He's the first born son of God and one of God's many heavenly wives. And on top of that, so are you and I! Oh, and by the way, Lucifer is too so that makes Lucifer his younger brother and your or my brother somewhere down the line...

Others (who wear snappy, starched white shirts with cute little name tags) say...
...He's the "firstborn over all creation" (hey, isn't that in the Bible?). In other words, He was the very first created being made by God and that he worked really hard and eventually became the savior and god of this world...

Still there are some who say...
...He was a great prophet, a very enlightened man and we all should strive to be like him because, umm, he was really enlightened.

Now, I have an extremely important question. If you are like many and realize that there is something terribly wrong with humanity (i.e., sin) and that the only hope for lost humanity is a Savior, then, isn't it important that that Savior be the right one? Even if I looked just like George Bush and went around telling people that I was the president of the United States, I would be lying. I would be a powerless impostor, an imitator and a deceiver. It is urgent, eternally urgent, that we know truly who Christ is.

As I've already mentioned, there are no shortages of opinion as to the person of Christ, but what does the Bible actually say about who He is? If you are a Christian, would you be able to give a defense of what truly orthodox (by the way, that's not a bad word) Christianity states, that He is The Divine God-Man, fully God, fully man? That He is Emmanuel, God with us? Are you able to articulate why you believe what you believe? Let's cut through all the opinion and see what the Scriptures actually say about the person of be continued.