Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Value of One Precious Life...

Posted by Simply Christian

Our church and one family in particular have endured a tremendous loss this last week, one that makes little sense at all to our human reasoning. Times like these cause you to do a lot of soul searching and at times one may be tempted to feel a bit angry with God at the seeming lack of a reason why. However, the answer is not to to be angry with God and to fall away from Him, but to get on your knees and honestly wrestle with Him in prayer about those things that make so little sense to us. Some thoughts...

1. It's not so much important what I believe, but rather what is true. Sounds simple enough, but it really hits home during times like these. We've actually witnessed some mighty miracles this last week, a financial miracle, an actual healing from cancer...so why those and not this one? I find it hard to believe that there was not enough faith mustered up to equal the size of a mustard seed, but what appeared to us to be the mountain did not move. Jesus prayed, "if it be Your will, let this cup pass from me, but nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done." Jesus drank the cup and it was most assuredly not a pleasant one. But, He drank it looking forward to the joy that was to come as a result of His sacrifice. In a time like this, one will find peace simply saying, "My God, You are the Almighty Sovereign, I don't understand, but, Your will be done." Why did it happen this way? Only He truly knows. I am tormented when I become big in my mind, a little god of sorts. My words, my prayers, was there not enough faith? On the other hand, if I am small (the creature in my proper place), and I behold Him for who He is, the loving Almighty, Sovereign Father, I am at peace. "Thy will be done on earth even as it is in heaven."

2. There is no insignificant life. The impact of one little life is amazing. Our friends lives will never be the same again after experiencing this loss. They will by God's grace move on and go forward, but there will always be memories of that precious little life they were privileged to enjoy for 5 years. What had she accomplished in those 5 years to make such an impact? Had she earned millions or built a major company? Hit home runs in the big leagues? Been a valedictorian at school and graduated with honors? No, she didn't and unfortunately never will be able to. But, "the greatest of all these is LOVE." Her little life had impact, significance, meaning because of love, both the love of mother and father received by her and the love she gave back in return. Let no one think for a moment that their life counts for nothing if they know love. And if one is tempted to feel as though they are not loved, always remember, "greater love has no man than this than to lay down his life for his friends." "Even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." We are loved and are created to love therefore our lives are important. There is no insignificant life.