Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday June 17...

Posted by Simply Christian

Praise God, everything continues to progress here in Phoenix. We have been doing workshops every night since last Saturday helping the guys improve and preparing their hearts with the Word and prayer to be a strong team. Please pray that God would give us lasting fruit here. We'll only be here for a few days more and they of course will be staying to continue on the work here in the community. I pray that we can be a blessing and impart principles and a heart for worship and excellence that will last. These guys here have been working so hard! I'm really blessed by their willingness to work and prepare and attempt to stretch as musicians. The drummer especially has really come a long way, his name is Marvin. It's a blessing to watch him work so hard to improve, he closes his eyes and concentrates and makes sure he's counting out the time correctly! On top of all that and most importantly, these guys really have a heart for God's glory and that makes it such a blessing! I'll try and get some pictures taken of our sessions so that all can see what's going on. Well, I guess I'll go for now, please keep us in your prayers! Blessings, Paul...